


埃尼阿吉普 意大利进口机油踏板导航支架美国RAM正品北京乔家小院 Beijing Club乔友头盔服饰 摩托巴士
Vespa专用碟刹锁【广告QQ:88016299】摩托巴士 乔友专用微店 
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发表于 2017-5-15 07:17:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 松江小胖子 于 2017-5-15 07:35 编辑 6 x2 e; t1 y0 c7 i% z: s

, p! h0 C  H- h- ?( e, Q( T3 T前总面子大, 徐州车友有福! 2016年徐州点检活动送的是Torco半合成四冲摩托车机油:) 上海点检活动送的是Torco 矿物机油:( 2017年徐州第一个完成点检, 上海预计安排在五月下旬。定期安排点检, 不是出了门就不认, 金城厂家还是比较厚道的。5 i3 |8 c- e1 q0 o

0 [# ^- J9 l7 ^顺便科普一下:
: b" y2 v; F! \! g( }
/ r& C" C5 a- n3 s$ V1) 含有合成基础油的机油, 称为“半合成机油”, 是不够科学的, 只是俗称,因为容易引起误解(以为一半是合成基础油, 或者是生产过程中, 全合成的过程进行了一半;
6 Y. }4 ?8 A; a) S1 B" U1 M- f5 ~! ~: o7 x) b+ l/ W
2) 不存在100%全合成的机油, 因为全合成基础油, 指四类PAO或者五类酯类基础油(三类中的矿物油加氢异构,是否算合成基础油,  业界一直有争议), 对添加剂的溶解能力很差, 需要兑入一部分的矿物基础油。! s. }+ X% A2 G

4 A5 P) ]# r" k全合成基础油最大的优点是抗衰减能力强, 可以适当延长换油周期。& y) u( r" M) b' [
3 c# X' I$ G* x" D8 m
! n; c7 o5 O+ j7 G  E. B( {* A  X" F% c7 o  t+ W+ M7 w8 @
查了Torco的美国官网, 四冲摩托车机油分为5种:, z6 m1 ]7 Z* `8 x# @4 L& Z0 O0 Z

0 ^6 S- `, Q- ]1 o5 d2 FT-4MXR, 合成+矿物油调配的四冲摩托车机油, 主要针对越野摩托车。 Torco T-4MXR is a blend of specially selected synthetic and petroleum-based oils for off-road 4-stroke racing engines. T-4MXR provides the highest degree of protection under extreme temperatures, severe shock loads and peak RPMs. T-4MXR improves ring seal, protects valve train, eliminates deposits, controls foam, resists high shock loads and provides smooth, positive clutch activation.3 }. a; N4 M- v0 O/ M
9 A! n0 O' P5 p" |0 d' [
T-4SR, 全合成四冲摩托车机油, 主要针对工况严苛的赛车。 T-4SR is a 100% synthetic oil designed for highly stressed 4-stroke racing engines. T-4SR offers the ultimate in viscosity control, anti-friction, anti-wear and improved power output. It is formulated to reduce engine temperatures and provide the highest degree of protection under the most severe temperature and load conditions. A selective additive system and polymer chemistry also provides anti-oxidation, anti-foam, anti-rust protection and consistent clutch engagement for motorcycles with integrated transmissions. T-4SR offers the best protection for engines running at consistently high RPMs, high temperatures, or under extreme loads or endurance type conditions.7 w+ Z4 O4 H2 i- F6 u. X
8 y) [: _- P5 w8 Z
T-4R, 含有合成基础油与矿物油, 针对高功率与高温工作条件下的摩托车发动机。 Torco T-4R 4-Stroke Motor Oil is a blend of specially selected synthetic and petroleum-based oils designed for high output and high temperature motorcycle engines. Provides smooth, positive clutch engagement, maximum engine protection and extreme pressure protection for integrated transmissions. T-4R features improved shear stability and Torco's race proven MPZ® technology providing the highest degree of anti-friction and anti-wear for long term protection. T-4R is formulated for smooth, positive clutch activation.
: v, X6 `  `2 d+ s- Z1 Y2 a& ?  g2 @, r" s0 M4 N
这是徐州点检送的机油型号。+ |; _' \( ?& e. y: G" H. S

0 @% }; e) v8 H9 VT-4,矿物油, 针对四冲摩托车和ATV设计。  T-4 is a highly refined petroleum blend lubricant designed specifically for motorcycle and ATV engines. It utilizes an exclusive blend of additives and polymer systems that resist high shock loads, high temperatures and shearing as well as eliminates deposits. T-4 is formulated to remain stable under peak operating temperatures and will provide excellent protection for integrated transmissions. The non-friction modified T-4 formula focuses on positive clutch engagement under high acceleration and deceleration loads.4 l1 v: t' x6 y5 J* F$ [) e) ^# E
( I% F' h3 q# `
这是上海点检送的机油型号。2 ]& }' f' p2 S. }7 q. I5 u' o
- c! ~9 R, J# ]& S. }
ATV, 含有合成基础油的, 针对高功率和高温环境工作中的ATV与UTV。Torco ATV Sport 4-Stroke Motor Oil is a blend of specially selected synthetic and petroleum-based oils designed for high output and high temperature ATV and UTV engines. Provides maximum engine protection and extreme pressure protection for integrated transmissions. ATV Sport features improved shear stability and provides the highest degree of anti-friction and anti-wear for long term protection.
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发表于 2017-5-15 07:49:47 | 显示全部楼层
2016年上海点检我去了, 之前曾发生无法点火启动, 拆开围裙板, 发现高压线插座松脱, 插上即可顺利启动+行驶。 这个故障比较诡异, 因为插座的设计, 使得不用外力, 几乎无法脱落。
7 ~! K  `3 K: l8 Z; M1 D, R4 r
" v& l" C9 r( w点检时, 接上检测电脑, 这个故障现场(代码)被保留了, 能侦测到, 技师消除了故障码。
! e+ _+ Y! f* q: `' d& O6 f/ v$ L! S; h1 Y% @
1年半, 1.7W公里的车, 现遇到2个问题:8 e) I2 K. V+ E% X- w1 W

+ P' V) }4 t4 m: E) ^第1个是行驶过程中, 收油门滑行, 或原地怠速等红灯, 发动机偶尔自行熄火, 机率不是很高, 大概1个月行驶500-1500公里, 会发生1-2次; 已充分热车(行驶几十公里), 其他车友也反映遇到过类似问题。0 O0 P6 t: E7 j2 T+ w) K: W- n

- n3 k0 H5 B" w5 `9 `第2个是行驶过程中, ECU灯亮起, 此时仍可正常行驶, 加速感觉跟平常无异, 开几公里, ECU灯会自行熄灭, 之后又会亮起。 如熄火重启, ECU灯自检之后亦会熄灭, 但开了一会儿, 又会亮起。 3月跑皖南看油菜花, 多次出现, 疑似酒精汽油作怪, 但跟安徽和苏北使用酒精汽油地区车友交流, 没有遇到此问题。 之前听说2个车友跑海拔4000米以上地区, 也出现过类似情况,降低一些海拔就无事。
  N* ?" Q" V1 C5 q
/ }6 `4 n$ d3 I; q  ?) O' V想等5月下旬金城来沪点检时, 接上检测电脑, 看看故障代码。5 e1 n9 f# ^- B! W
; n; J' x  |% J3 ?6 H" ?
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