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[提车报告] 湖北 比亚乔 medley 150 ABS 提车

发表于 2017-7-14 19:39:02 | 显示全部楼层
新车 磨合 基本大同小異, 现节彔 '2009圣甲虫车主手册內建议磨合期內注意事項' 供车友们参考: % H( |3 |$ a2 N
Engine run-in is essential to ensure engine long life and correct operation. 发动机的磨合对其 寿命 及日後应有之功率发挥 非常重要; If possible, ride on roads with lots of bends and/or slopes to test that the engine, suspensions and brakes perform efficiently. 如环境许可, 多於湾道多及坡道中驾驶以便检测发动机, 避震及刹车是否有效;
1 w6 t, I9 G5 i' X& B) V- n) K2 SFollow these indications: + c/ k/ Y; c8 f! t8 q8 J; \' _
1) Do not twist the throttle grip fully at low rpm whether during or af-ter run-in. 0-100 km (0-62 miles); 低转数情洗況下不要开盡油门;
' J! Z. d' c4 l+ i2 n2) During the first 100 km (62 miles) step carefully on the brakes to avoid rough and long braking. 首100公里內小心使用刹车, 避免过猛烈及长时间使用制动; That is to permit the adequate adjustment of the pad friction material to the brake disc. 以便刹车皮与碟盘之间达至更佳之工作狀态;* Q0 V) L7 Z+ l% v+ o  w
3) During the first 500 km (312 miles) do not ride the scooter over 80% ofthe predetermined maximum speed. 首500公里內驾驶车速不应超越厂方预定最高速度之80%;
1 Q* B! W0 `- ^  k3 n4) AVOID KEEPING A CONSTANT SPEED ALONG LONG SECTIONS OF ROAD. 在较长的驾驶路程中避免一直恆速驾驶; After the first 1000 km (625miles), gradually increase the speed until the maximum performance is reached; 於首1000公里後才逐步嚐试加速直至到达厂方预计的最高速度;
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