xiaodu 发表于 2019-11-7 12:06:24


比亚乔梅德利(Piaggio Medley)埋地雷定位:比亚乔踏板车的全地形车辆,轻型大轮和GT踏板车之间的跨界车型

实用,易用,但又安全又有驾驶乐趣,新Medley在最新一代I-GET 125和150 CC发动机的帮助下更加强大,自动启停、ABS、全面LED大灯、数字仪表盘、更大的载容能力,这就是全新设计的Piaggio Medley,领先时代,体现品质、款式和技术的价值

随着 Medley S 车型的加入,运动型外观和标准的Piaggio连接系统进一步完善了Medley的车系


[*]新的125和150排量 i-get发动机
[*]新设计大灯和全LED DRL
[*]Piaggio MIA连接系(S版标准配置)

比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley)的踏板车既具备城市用车所需要的灵活性、高轮踏板车的通过性,GT车型的动力以及大型车辆所具有的舒适性和承载能力。意大利米兰车展EICMA 2019以全新的形式展现了全方位机动性的完美选择,而且更具灵活性,更高性能和高科技。新的设计着重于运动性:前面已完全重新设计,有车把车头容纳新的完整LED前头灯和创新的数字LCD仪表。

新的比亚乔Medley还采用了比亚乔最新更新换代的i-get发动机125和150,两种发动机均为水冷,具有4气门和电子喷射功能。它们分别提供11 kW和12.1 kW的功率,使其成为同类产品中最强大的车型。比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley)也发展了其连接性,并且是第一个将此功能引入大轮踏板车细分市场的公司。Piaggio MIA系统(在S版本上作为标准提供)通过蓝牙将您的智能手机连接到车辆,并通过组合仪表盘和车把命令按键管理电话、语音命令和音乐。
标配“自动启停”功能,在停车期间可以管理发动机的熄火和启动以减少油耗和排放。带有两通道ABS的Piaggio Medley还拥有通常仅在功能更强大的踏板车上才能找到的设备包。


全新的Piaggio Medley创造了新型的Piaggio大轮踏板车,将灵活轻便的踏板车优势与更大更强劲的大轮车的优点结合在一起。借鉴了兄弟车型Beverly的宽大现代和优雅线条的启发,新款Piaggio Medley的重量轻和活力十足,非常适合城市使用。尽管防护罩外壳表面已经增强了空气动力学保护性能,但还是对其进行了重新设计和重新配比,以保持其轻巧的外观。车头前脸中心由一个主导的新的垂直元素,现在具有立体蜂窝状格栅,经典的“领带”具有现代气息,是比亚乔(Piaggio)摩托的鲜明特色,它使全新的Medley更具运动感。新的LED头灯前面是另一个显着特点,它位于重新设计的车把中央,这大大提高了可视性,从而提高了主动安全性。前后位置灯也为LED。






引擎:Piaggio i-get系列的最新发展

比亚乔(Piaggio)拥有欧洲最重要的发动机和踏板车研发中心,也是世界上最好的发动机和踏板车研发中心之一,使比亚乔能够自行开发独特的技术和技能。这些现在有助于满足最严格的国际标准的发动机的制造。全新的比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley)见证了i-get系列发动机的最新发展首次亮相,该发动机具有125cc和150cc发动机容量,并具有电子喷射、四气门分配和液体冷却功能。这些发动机在性能和环境方面均处于各自类别的首位。
新的125cc排量i-get单缸发动机在9,000rpm时可提供11kW的最大功率,而功率更大的150cc在8,750 rpm时可提供12.1 kW的功率。这些基础的数据使新的比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley)成为中高轮踏板车领域中功能最强大的踏板车之一。当它们在路上行驶时,就会感受到这款引擎的出色,这引擎是为城镇和城市环境中的日常使用而专门设计和制造的。这种骑行条件涉及频繁的停车和起步,这需要灵活性、敏捷的加速性和平稳的骑行。这些品质归功于出色的扭矩(125 cc在6500 rpm时为12 Nm,150 cc在6500 rpm时为15 Nm)使梅德利在启动和运动中均具有极佳的加速度。汽缸盖是全新铸造设计,其特征在于具有较大截面的管道和阀门,以增加流出系数和相应的发动机性能;分配系统采用了新型的轻型翘板,同时对凸轮轴轮廓进行了重新设计,以实现精确的气门控制,从而有助于优化燃烧效率。



新比亚乔·梅德利像其前身一样,新型Piaggio Medley配备了Piaggio获得专利的启停系统,称为RISS(调节器逆变器启动和停止系统)。比亚乔(Piaggio)的这种技术知识的产品消除了传统的启动器电动机,而将其替换为无刷“直接安装”电气单元,换句话说,直接安装在曲轴上。这样有许多优点:安静的启动,增加了轻便性和可靠性以及更低的油耗。新版本的Piaggio启动和停止系统在停止后1到5秒钟会自动关闭发动机(取决于发动机是否达到正确的工作温度)。由于没有传统的起动器,油门的轻微旋转足以立即完全重新启动发动机。如果侧支架缩回或激活了倾斜传感器,则ECU将禁用启动和停止功能。

新型的Piaggio Medley发动机延长了保养周期,您只需要每10,000 km更换一次机油机滤,并且每20,000 km调整一次阀门间隙。总油耗的降低得益于每个组件的优化:Medley125的WMTC循环距离为41.5 km / l,Medley 150的WMTC循环距离为41 km / l。


比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley)的轴承结构基于钢管的“低单支架”型框架,并带有管状增强件和钢板,这有助于其整体坚固性以及低矮舒适的座椅位置。
前端装有直径为33 mm的支柱前叉,而后桥上装有一对双作用减震器和预载可调至5个位置的螺旋弹簧,这种配置和大型铝合金轮辋(前部16英寸,后部14英寸)确保了骑行舒适性和稳定性,这是更强大的踏板车所具备的,采用新的较宽的后轮胎(120 / 70-14英寸)也有助于保持这种稳定性,而较低的干重136千克有助于保持轻便踏板车典型的灵活性和操控性。

强大的制动系统提供主动安全性,该制动系统包括两个260和240 mm碟刹盘,带有双活塞浮动卡钳和ABS作为标准装备。每个车轮都有一个传感器和一个音轮,以检测转数,从而立即读取车轮相对于车辆的速度和减速度。传感器与两通道液压控制单元通信,该单元激活ABS,如果两个车轮之一相对于车辆急剧减速,则即使在摩擦系数低的表面上,也能防止车轮锁定并确保稳定性和有效制动,从而避免了这种情况。比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley)还配备了“倾斜传感器”,这是一种安全装置,在摔车倒车时,该装置可停用启动和停止系统,并关闭发动机。

新比亚乔·梅德利始终与PIAGGIO MIA连接

作为Medley S的标准配置提供的PIAGGIO MIA连接系统,您可以通过蓝牙将智能手机连接到Piaggio Medley的车载电子系统,并提供独特的功能,从而带来更加有意义和愉悦的骑行体验。PIAGGIO MIA和新的Piaggio App专为将iOS或Android移动设备连接到新的Piaggio Medley而设计,充分利用了新的数字乐器集群提供的潜力。该项装备对于中高轮踏板车领域来说是全新的,进一步证明了新Medley技术设备的卓越性。

只要您将智能手机连接到Piaggio Medley,并通过Piaggio App将其与车辆关联(可以从App Store或Google Play下载),那么有关来电和消息的所有通知都会显示在组合仪表上。该系统还可以通过使用右侧控制块上的实用MODE按钮来进行呼叫管理,并通过激活播放列表来使用人声命令来拨打电话或播放音乐。为了充分享受所有这些功能,Piaggio提供了专用的专用Jet头盔作为附件,该附件集成了耳机和蓝牙对讲机。

除了使用自行车数字仪表板的通话和音乐管理功能外,PIAGGIO MIA多媒体平台还使您可以使用专用的应用程序查看有关车辆路线和运行状态的更多且极为丰富的信息。它还具有方便的系统,用于在点火开关关闭时保存位置,从而帮助您在城镇最拥挤的地区找到踏板车。该应用程序还可以显示发动机转速、瞬时功率和扭矩、电流和平均油耗、电池电压和骑行风格评估;应用程序会记录所有数据,并可通过每次旅行的摘要统计信息和直观的图表直接在智能手机上查询;该应用程序还允许您查找Piaggio服务中心,并包括一个方便配置的时间表,以提醒您进行适当的维护保养操作。


全新的Piaggio Medley有两种版本:Medley和Medley S 运动版。
比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley)更倾向于经典和优雅的色彩,例Bianca Lun(月亮白)Nero Abiss(深渊黑)的两种金属色Orione(猎户蓝)。这些颜色与棕色座椅和哑光青铜饰面相结合(乘客把手,保险杠,中央通道和仪表板包围),轮辋为银灰色。

比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley S)

Piaggio Medley S的特点是其运动型亚光黑色饰面,例如轮辋,保险杠,中央通道和乘客把手;红色减震器弹簧也突显了这种运动感,座椅接缝和其他细节(例如护罩的“领带”框架)上也出现了阴影。在与花瓣轮廓和金色卡钳前部和后部制动盘和比亚乔MIA连接系统也可以作为标准配置,Medley S还提供标准的远程车辆查找功能,查找器会闪烁踏板车的指示灯,因此您可以轻松地在最拥挤的停车场找到车辆。

有三种颜色变化,并结合了黑色座椅和内部装饰:Bianco Luna(月亮白),Grigio Materia(马特里灰)和Nero Meteora(流星黑)。

比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley)的配件系列将技术服务于功能。它是为比亚乔·梅德利(Piaggio Medley)设计的完整配件系列,以增加舒适度和潜在用途。

载物能力是最让大家关注的,结合大型座椅下座桶,Piaggio提供了经典的32升尾箱,可容纳一个全面头盔或两个Piaggio Style头盔,以及37升尾箱,可最大程度地提高承重能力。当然,两个尾箱都有可用的颜色版花以匹配车辆,并且可以安装乘客靠背。


 Piaggio Medley 125/150 –技术数据表
发动机单缸,四冲程Piaggio i-get,带有“自动启停”系统
缸径×行程52毫米/ 58.7毫米58毫米/ 58.7毫米
最大功率9000 rpm时为11 kW8750 rpm时为12.1 kW
最大扭矩12 Nm在6500 rpm下6500 rpm时为15 Nm
分配单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC)– 4个气门
后悬挂液压减震器,5段弹簧预载调节,行程76 mm
制动系统博世两通道ABS 10.0
前制动Ø260mm制动盘,由Ø25.4 mm双活塞浮动卡
后刹车Ø240mm制动盘,配备Ø22 mm双活塞浮动卡钳
前轮胎无内胎100 / 80-16”
后轮胎无内胎120 / 70-14”

本文由比亚乔部落 xiaodu 翻译整理

包大龍 发表于 2019-11-7 13:01:40


xiaodu 发表于 2019-11-7 12:19:58


A full makeover for the eclectic Piaggio scooter, a crossover between a lightweight high-wheel and GT scooterPractical and easy but also safe and fun, new medley is even more powerful courtesy of the latest generation of I-GET 125 and 150 CC enginesStart & stop, ABS, full LED headlight, digital instrument cluster, record load capacity: Piaggio Medley was born to lead, embodying the values of quality, style and technologyThe range is rounded off by the Medley S, with a sporty look and my standard Piaggio connectivity system
HIGHLIGHTSPiaggio Medley
[*]New 125 and 150 cc i-get engines
[*]New design
[*]Headlight and full LED DRL
[*]Multifunction LCD digital instrument cluster
[*]Piaggio MIA connectivity system, standard on the S version
[*]New rims and new wider rear tyre
[*]New ergonomic saddle
[*]New passenger foot boardsMedley 150
Piaggio Medley is a scooter that combines the agility of an urban vehicle with the dynamism of a high-wheel scooter and the comfort and load capacity of a large GT model. EICMA 2019 sees the presentation of the perfect option for all-round mobility in a completely new form, even more dynamic, performing and hi-tech.The new design focuses on sportiness: the front has been completely redesigned, as has the handlebar, which houses the new full LED front headlamp and an innovative digital LCD instrument cluster.The new Piaggio Medley also features the latest evolution of the Piaggio i-get engine 125 and 150 cc engine family. Both engines are liquid-cooled, with 4-valve distribution and electronic injection. They deliver 11 and 12.1 kW respectively, making them among the most powerful in their class.Piaggio Medley has also evolved its connectivity, and is the first to introduce this feature to the medium- high-wheel scooter segment. The Piaggio MIA system (offered as standard on the S version) connects your smartphone to the vehicle via Bluetooth and manages phone calls, voice commands and music through the instrument cluster and handlebar commands.The ‘Start & Stop’ feature comes as standard, managing engine switch-off and start-up during stops to reduce your fuel consumption and emissions. Also with two-channel ABS, the Piaggio Medley boasts an equipment package normally only found on more powerful scooters.Medley S 150Practical, dynamic, lightweight and stylishThe new Piaggio Medley creates a new class of Piaggio high-wheel scooters that combines the advantages of an agile and lightweight scooter with those of a larger and more powerful high-wheel bike.Inspired by the large, modern and elegant lines of its bigger sibling Beverly, the new Piaggio Medley’s light weight and dynamism make it ideal for city use.Although the shield’s large surfaces boost aerodynamic protection, it has been redesigned and re-proportioned to maintain its light look. The centre of the shield is dominated by a new vertical element , now featuring a three-dimensional honeycomb grille. A modern take on the classic ‘tie’, an unmistakable feature of Piaggio vehicles, it gives the new Medley a sportier look.The new LED front headlamp is another distinctive feature, which is found in the centre of the redesigned handlebar. This significantly increases visibility, for greater active safety. The front and rear position lights are also LED.The handlebar also hosts the brand new all-digital LCD instrument cluster for a perfect mix of style and functionality. The display, with the digital speedometer and tachometer scale clearly visible in the centre, provides total and partial views of the odometer, air temperature, digital clock, fuel level and coolant temperature indicators, ice danger icon, lowered side stand icon, and ‘service’ icon. It also shows a full set of travel information, including maximum speed, average speed, current fuel consumption, average fuel consumption, battery life and charge status, which can be selected using the MODE button on the right-hand control block.The indicator system monitors all functions, starting with ‘Start & Stop’, which can be switched off by pressing a button on the right-hand electric block. It also shows the classic ‘injection check’, fuel reserve, oil pressure, ABS activation and immobiliser.The 16″ front wheel, vertically streamlines the entire front end as well as providing stability, safety and comfort. The aluminium rims vaunt a new sporty design with six split spokes.The new seat is more streamlined with optimised ergonomics for rider and passenger, who also benefit from new retractable foot boards that are easier to pull out. These also come with a rubber insert that has the dual function of damping vibrations and stopping your foot from slipping. The seat has electric opening, controlled by a convenient button on the handlebar. A retaining spring keeps it open to prevent accidental closure.The leg shield has a spacious glove compartment easily accessed by the seated rider. Its style matches the rear of the handlebar and the saddle, creating a similar environment to a car dashboard. It even has an internal USB socket, handy for charging your smartphone. There is also a convenient, retractable bag hook in the leg shield back plate.Along the entire body of the Medley the alternating concave and convex surfaces, guided by decisive and arched lines, gives the vehicle a dynamic but compact look. The dimensions of the particularly sleek rear-end are contained despite the large helmet compartment with an amazing 36 litres of space, enough to hold two full-face helmets, truly exceptional for a high-wheel scooter. This result comes courtesy of the well-designed tail shape and the repositioning of the fuel tank at the centre of the foot board. It is a solution that increases the carrying capacity of the helmet compartment, with further benefits such as refuelling without needing to dismount and better rideability because of improved, more centralised, weight distribution.Medley 150Engines: the latest evolution of the Piaggio i-get familyPiaggio boasts Europe’s most important engine and scooter research and development centre, and one of the best in the world, allowing it to develop unique technologies and skills in-house. These now contribute to the construction of engines that meet the strictest international standards. The new Piaggio Medley sees the début of the most recent evolution of the i-get family of engines, available in 125 and 150cc engine capacities, with electronic injection, four-valve distribution and liquid cooling. These engines all top their respective categories in performance and environmental terms.The new 125 cc i-get single cylinder is credited with a maximum power of 11 kW at 9,000 rpm, while the more powerful 150 cc delivers 12.1 kW at 8,750 rpm. These benchmark values make the new Piaggio Medley one of the most powerful bikes in the medium- high-wheel scooter segment. When translated onto the road, they bear witness to brilliant engines, purposely designed and manufactured for everyday use in town and city environments. Such riding conditions involve frequent stops and starts which require flexibility, lively acceleration and a smooth ride. These qualities come courtesy of excellent torque (12 Nm at 6500 rpm for the 125 cc and 15 Nm at 6500 rpm for the 150 cc) which endows the Medley with superb acceleration both from a standing start and in motion, partly due to the very low overall weight.All this is the fruit of meticulous work by Piaggio technicians on most of the components. The project sought above all to optimise thermodynamic output and reduce friction and engine noise, while increasing performance and general rideability.The cylinder head is the result of a completely new casting and is marked by pipes and valves with a larger section to increase the outflow coefficient and consequent engine performance. The distribution system features new lightweight rockers, while the camshaft profile has been redesigned to achieve precise valve control that helps optimise combustion efficiency.Medley S 150Numerous changes have gone into boosting maximum power while maintaining the maximum torque and operating flexibility values typical of the i-get engine family. They include: the adoption of a new piston with a revised geometry of the roof of the combustion chamber, a new injector, a new throttle body with a diameter increased by 2 mm and a completely new filter box equipped with a specific Helmholtz resonator placed on the intake duct.The silencer is also new, both in appearance and size. The extra volume makes for quieter operation combined with better sound and lower head losses, which all go to boost maximum engine performance. This is combined with a CVT transmission with optimised calibration to take advantage of the new engine power curve in all riding conditions.Like its predecessor, the new Piaggio Medley comes with the Start & Stop system patented by Piaggio, called RISS (Regulator Inverter Start & Stop System). This product of Piaggio’s technological know-how, does away with the traditional starter motor, replacing it with a brushless ‘direct mount’ electrical unit, in other words, installed directly on the crankshaft. There are many advantages: a quieter start, increased lightness and reliability, and lower fuel consumption. The new version of the Piaggio Start & Stop system automatically switches off the engine 1 to 5 seconds after stopping(depending on whether or not the engine has reached the correct operating temperature). A slight twist of the throttle is enough to instantly re-start the engine, in total silence, as there is no traditional starter. If the side stand is retracted or the tilt sensor activated, the ECU disables the Start & Stop function.The new Piaggio Medley engines allow for lengthy gaps between services and maintenance. You only needto replace lubricants and filters every 10,000 km and have the play of the valves adjusted every 20,000 km.Overall fuel consumption benefits from the optimisation of each and every component: the WMTC cycle distance is 41.5 km/l for the Medley 125 and 41 km/l for the Medley 150.Frame and chassis: sturdy, easy to ride and lightweightThe bearing structure of the Piaggio Medley is based on a ‘low single cradle’ type frame made of steel tubes, with tubular reinforcements and steel sheet, which contribute to its overall sturdiness and low and comfortable seating position.The front end sports a fork with stanchions 33 mm in diameter, while a pair of double acting shock absorbers and coil springs with preload adjustable to 5 positions work at the rear axle. This configuration and the large aluminium alloy wheel rims (16″ front and 14″ rear) ensure riding comfort and solidity worthy of more powerful scooters. The adoption of a new wider rear tyre (120/70-14″) also contributes to this stability, while the low dry weight, 136 kg, helps retain the agility and manoeuvrability typical of light scooters.Active safety is provided by a powerful braking system comprising two 260 and 240 mm disc units with double piston floating callipers and ABS as standard equipment. Each wheel has a sensor and a tone wheel to detect revolutions which instantly reads the speed and deceleration of the wheel with respect to that of the vehicle. The sensors communicate with a 2-channel hydraulic control unit which activates the ABS system if one of the two wheels decelerates sharply with respect to the vehicle, preventing it from locking and guaranteeing stability and efficient braking even on surfaces with low friction coefficient. Piaggio Medley is also fitted with a ’tilt sensor’, a safety device that deactivates the Start & Stop system, turning off the engine, in the event of a fall.Always connected with PIAGGIO MIAThe PIAGGIO MIA connectivity system, offered as standard on Medley S, allows you to connect your smartphone to the Piaggio Medley’s on-board electronic system via Bluetooth, offering exclusive features for an even more rewarding and enjoyable riding experience.PIAGGIO MIA and the new Piaggio App are specifically designed to connect iOS or Android mobile devices to the new Piaggio Medley, exploiting the potential offered by the new digital instrument cluster. This content is totally new for the medium- high-wheel scooter segment, further demonstrating the excellence of the new Medley’s technological equipment.Once you have connected your smartphone to the Piaggio Medley – associating it with the vehicle via the Piaggio App, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play – all notifications for incoming calls and messages appear on the instrument cluster. The system also enables call management using the practical MODE button on the right-hand control block and the use of vocal commands to make calls or play music, by activating a playlist. To fully enjoy all these features, the Piaggio Medley offers a special dedicated Jet helmet as an accessory that integrates headphones and Bluetooth intercom.In addition to the call and music management functions, which use the bike’s digital instrument cluster, the PIAGGIO MIA multimedia platform allows you to use the dedicated App to view a further and exceptionally rich set of information about the route and the operating status of the vehicle. It also has a convenient system for saving the position when the ignition is off, which helps you find the scooter in the most crowded areas of town. The application can also indicate engine revs, instantaneous power and torque, current and average fuel consumption, battery voltage and an assessment of riding style. All the data are recorded by the App and can be consulted directly on the smartphone through summary statistics for each trip and intuitive infographics. The App also allows you to locate Piaggio service centres and includes a convenient configurable schedule to remind you of maintenance operations due.Versions and coloursThe new Piaggio Medley is available in two different versions: Medley and Medley S, the latter with sportier finishes.Medley 150Piaggio MedleyPiaggio Medley prefers more classic and elegant colours, such as Bianca Luna (Moon White) and the two metallic shades of Nero Abisso (Abyss Black) and Blu Orione (Orion Blue). These colours are combined with a brown seat and matt bronze finishes (passenger handle, bumper, central tunnel and instrument cluster surrounds). The wheel rims are in silver grey.Piaggio Medley SThe Piaggio Medley S is distinguished by its sporty matt black finishes, such as the rims, the bumpers, the central tunnel and the passenger handle. This sportiness is also accentuated by the red shock absorber springs, a shade that also appears on the seat seams and other details such as the frame of the shield’s ‘tie’. The front and rear brake discs with petal profile and gold-coloured callipers and the Piaggio MIA connectivity system are also available as standard. The Medley S also offers a remote bike finder function as standard. The bike finder flashes the scooter’s indicators so you can easily locate your vehicle in the most crowded car parks.There are three colour variants, combined with black seat and interior: Bianco Luna (Moon White), Grigio Materia (Matter Grey e Nero Meteora (Meteor Black), the latter opaque.AccessoriesThe line of accessories for Piaggio Medley places technology at the service of functionality. It is a complete line of accessories designed for the Piaggio Medley to increase comfort and potential uses.The lines, materials and finishes of the windshield, made of shockproof and splinter-proof methacrylate, protect the Piaggio scooter against atmospheric agents, while also accentuating the elegance of its forms. The smaller top fairing (available in two versions, transparent and smoked) emphasises Medley’s spirited and sporty character.Great attention went on cargo capacity. In combination with the large under-seat compartment, Piaggio offers the classic 32-litre top box, which can accommodate a modular helmet or two Piaggio Style helmets, and the 37-litre top box that expands the load capacity to the maximum. Both top boxes are, of course, available colour coded to match the vehicle and can be fitted with a passenger backrest.To maximise safety you can install the non-slip mat. The dedicated leg cover is the ideal completion for year-round riders. On the other hand, for riders who park their scooter up for the winter, a waterproof vehicle cover is available, dedicated and customised with the logo, which has specific openings for the windshield and optional top box.The line of accessories naturally includes vehicle security: the mechanical saddle-handlebar anti-theft system available for the Medley is convenient and simple to use. The innovative electronic anti-theft system, which is self-powered and the least power-hungry on the market, adds the immobiliser deterrent and a powerful siren to combat any attempt at tampering.

孙岱 发表于 2019-11-7 12:25:32


justaci 发表于 2019-11-7 12:35:11


讷fadwqq 发表于 2019-11-7 12:39:44

看着更动感了 脸有点凶 哈哈

孙岱 发表于 2019-11-7 12:41:59

justaci 发表于 2019-11-7 12:35


quakeiii 发表于 2019-11-7 13:00:08


tianlang 发表于 2019-11-7 14:20:57


南山难 发表于 2019-11-7 15:06:59


2160P 发表于 2019-11-7 15:36:58


keyy557 发表于 2019-11-7 16:09:43

马德,刚提的2019 S款银灰色就出新款了

厚街小文 发表于 2019-11-7 17:21:04


王伦 发表于 2019-11-7 17:29:03


gangofmatrix 发表于 2019-11-7 18:09:35

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